Restoration of Inga, a 1969 Scandinavian Nordic Folk Boat
Inga is a 1969 Scandinavian Nordic Folk Boat sitting in Tony’s shop ready for it to be getting a new life.
The deck of Inga, where in its life someone laid fibreglass with polyester resin over the original planked deck, needless to say
we caught it just in time.
Repairs and re-fasting to all the deck beams, this image shows new half beams and the planking removed port side.
After all the hardware was removed the fibreglass took 20 minutes to remove.
Inga without her deck
The owner comes over periodically to do some work, here he is the removing all the hull paint so we can asses the boat and give her new paint job that will make her look brand new.
Where she had rot, a new top plank on the transom and the new partial framework and deck beam.