

Lava Group
Formed in 1995, the Lava Group was a collaboration of some of the most creative designer builders in BC. As a group, they took on all the tasks of a gallery: they promoted, attracted sponsors, created displays, and chose their own locations. In the past, Public Galleries had been an ideal setting for their shows as they were more readily accessible to the public.
The Lava Group's theme was individually designed and built contemporary furniture. They built with wood, metal, glass, and salvaged materials. Due to the diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and influences that inspired each of their members, styles were unique and varied, and these shows allowed them to experiment with new furniture designs and functional art in a public forum. Each member built their own work and rarely saw another's until the show; unlike a juried exhibit, they relied on each individual's reputation and trust.
After many years of having annual shows, we have all moved on to do our own things and greatly appreciate what we had learned from doing those events.
The LAVA members are:
Tony Grove
John Bird
Doug Lane
Arnt Arntzen
Marcus Sabathil
George Derkacz
Brian Genn
Rudy Zator
Detlev Ahrendt
Steve Webber
Frank Polnau
Peter Pierobon